Pitter Patter
A Somersby Sweet Romance - Book 1
By Cathy Liggett
Avalon - December 2004
Contemporary Romance
Samantha Stevenson should have been ecstatically happy. She had a fiance who was wealthy enough that her future was financially secure and she had a career that was very fulfilling. Yet this niggling feeling that not everything was alright persisted. It was the arrival of two completely different people who helped her realize what she truly needed - and wanted.
The first person to arrive was Blake Dawson, and his arrival at her uncle's shoe store riveted the attention of all females in attendance. After all, what woman does not react to an attractive man speaking with a sexy British accent? The second person to arrive in Sam's life was much smaller, and much more precious. A baby girl had been left at her home. It was this baby who spoke directly to her heart, and whom her fiance considered an inconvenience. Sam would have to make a choice.
In a situation like this, there is no choice to make. As the weeks pass, Sam grows more attached to Emma. And every step of her journey, Blake is there giving his support, and lending a hand. Sam knows that this idyllic time could end at any moment. Her ex-fiance could cause problems for her family, Emma's parents could return, and Sam knows that although she would like to pursue a relationship with Blake, there was no guarantee that he would want a ready-made family.
Or maybe this is the family he has made for himself.
PITTER PATTER is a romance that tugs at the heartstrings. Cathy Liggett writes in a gentle style that allows the story to flow. She has a talent for writing endearing heroes - and Blake is no exception. I simply fell in love with him. This is the second story of hers that I have read, and already she has become a "Must Read".
Kathy Andrico