Dark-Hunter Series - Book 39
By Sherrilyn Kenyon
St. Martin's - September 2013
His life should have been one of greatness. He was heir, he had power. And he would have the adulation of his subjects. He could have been great.
Instead, Styxx's life had been one of misery. All because he had not been born a single baby. Instead, he had been born one of two. A twin. But his brother had not been a normal twin, Acheron was the son of a god. So instead of being raised to lead a nation under the tutelage of a caring father, he had been ruthlessly trained by a man whose heart had turned cold. A man who knew Acheron was no son of his, and was never certain that Styxx was his either. A man who cared not how much harm came to either boy.
Thus begins a brutal upbringing. Styxx has neither friends nor caring family - for Acheron is taken away when they are young, his sister dislikes him, his mother hates him, and his father swings in his opinion of him. There are only two who love him, a trainer who becomes a true father figure, and a woman who becomes his world. But a brutal life is in store for this man whose destiny was linked to Acheron's when they were in the womb.
Styxx is very much like Acheron - both the men are similar, as are the novels. For over a decade, readers have learned Acheron's side of the story. His memories, and his opinions. Now, readers are transported back eleven thousand years to see Styxx's story, and his story is just as, if not more, brutal than Acheron's. He is raped, tortured, and brutalized time and again. His fate is even more desolate than Acheron's, and it would not be surprising if more than one reader would take Styxx's side over Acheron's.
Sherrilyn Kenyon has deftly taken a character whom many viewed as a villain, and shown what a true tender-hearted, caring, loving and generous hero he truly is.
Kathy Andrico - ReaderToReader.com
FTC Disclaimer: I did receive a copy from Reader To Reader for review. However, this website only posts "good" reviews. If I cannot post a positive review, I notify whoever has provided me with the book/ARC/ebook.