Promise Me Forever

By Rebecca Goings

Champagne Books - August 2007

Contemporary Romance

Emily Parker had needed to be strong after the loss of her husband. She had grieved, tremendously, but she also had three children who depended on her. It had been over two years since his tragic death, and Emily knew she needed to look forward. She also knew that any man in her life would have to accept a package deal, and she knew that not many men would be willing to overcome the daunting task of a ready made family.

David Callahan knew he should stay away from Emily since she was a mother, and he didn't want children. He was finally in a position with his music career that he hoped his band might start to make it big, and a ready made family could destroy that.

Yet it was also evident that Emily needed someone to talk to, and David was determined to be that person for her. He could be her friend, someone she could turn to when the pain was great. Soon, they were turning to each other in more than friendship, and David would have to decide exactly what he wanted in his future.

I've learned that when I read a book by Rebecca Goings, I know that it is going to be filled with great characters and deep emotion. Promise Me Forever is no exception. David is firmly entrenched in his "no kids" mantra, and Emily is more than aware of this. However, David and Emily are quickly falling for each other, and if he doesn't break free of those beliefs, and convince Emily he has changed, they could lose more than they even imagine. This is another great read by Rebecca Goings.

Kathy Andrico -