One Good Cowboy by Catherine Mann





April 2014


This month, Kathy's Review Corner is participating in Catherine Mann's Blog Tour hosted by Lola's Blog Tours. This is my first involvement with a Blog Tour, and am excited. Even better for you are multiple opportunities for you to win prizes. Further details are below the 3 Q&A where you see the Tour Banner.

Handsome cowboy with a dog on the cover. Definitely an eye catching cover. Add Catherine Mann's name as author - and it is a Must Read (ok, ok - anything by Catherine Mann is a Must Read - but I do think it has the Perfect Cover.)

Ms Mann kicks off her new Diamonds in the Rough series with One Good Cowboy. We learn that the matriarch has inoperable cancer and is setting tasks to her three grandchildren.


For this month's 3 Q & A I have asked Mariah, the family matriarch, her thoughts behind the decision of what task to assign to each grandchild.



Mariah, although some may consider the news surrounding your health, and imminent treatments should be your primary concern - you are equally focused on those you care about - family both human and animal. You are giving each of your grandchildren a challenge, can you give readers your thoughts regarding:


Stone: Grandparents aren't supposed to have favorites, and I do truly love all my grandchildren equally. But I worry most about Stone. I even blame myself since my daughter was such a terrible mother to him because of her drug addiction. I've tried my best to give Stone love and support over the years. Still, it's clear he has trouble letting his guard down around others after so much rejection from his mother. I just pray that this time with his old flame Johanna will give him the opportunity to have the life full of love he so deeply deserves.


Alex: Ah, dear Alexandrite. He is a true diamond in the rough and every bit as tough. During his days on the rodeo circuit Alex bore any pain that came his way. He is a quietly tenacious man. I worry that he believes he is in love with Johanna, and she's not the right woman for him since her heart belongs to Stone. I just pray the right soul mate for Alex comes along soon so I have the joy of seeing him learn the joys of tenderness to balance out his tough exterior.


Amie: Sweet Amethyst is quite a little firecracker! She reminds me of myself at that age, except her mother has filled her head full of nonsense that Amie's only real worth comes from her looks. I tried my best to curtail all those beauty pageant entries over the years, but to no avail. I hope this test I have in store for her will help her see how very valuable and loveable she is because of her brilliant mind and sharp wit!



Below is the beginning of my review for Book 1 - One Good Cowboy


One Good Cowboy

Little could convince Stone McNair to step away as CEO from the family business to try to find new homes for his grandmother's dogs. Especially completing the challenge with his ex-fiancee. Learning that his grandmother had inoperable cancer, Stone quickly agreed. She had assignments for each of her three grandchildren to pass. Stone needed to find homes for the dogs, homes approved by Johanna. Stone would have refused the request if asked by anyone else, but his grandmother was one of the few people who had always been there for him. He would have agreed even without the threat of losing his position.

Johanna Fletcher would do almost anything for Mariah McNair.

Click here for full review.





Who likes prizes? Well, if you find yourself nodding, or even raising your hand - you are in luck! There are multiple prize opportunities with the Blog Tour. (Please note that only prizes #1, 2 & 3 will be from KRC. KRC is not sponsoring, simply providing the reference, for the other contests.) As always, shipping restrictions may apply.

Prize Opportunity #1 - Are you a member of the KRC newsletter? I pull the winners (yes, 3 winners) in May, from those who are members by April 30. Winner will receive a package of books from Catherine Mann

Prize Opportunity #2 - The 2nd winner also will be pulled from members, will also win a Catherine Mann book pack

Prize Opportunity #3 - Lola's Blog Tour Participation Prize - Because KRC is part of the tour, I have a copy of either For The Sake of Their Son or the 2-in-1 book Grayson's Surrender and Taking Cover (all by Catherine Mann) - winner's choice - available as a prize. This will be the 3rd (and final) winner I pull from the members of my newsletter.

Prize Opportunity #4 - Lola's Blog Tour - Tourwide $25 Giveaway - Lola's Blog Tour - Tourwide Giveaway

Prize Opportunities #5, 6, 7... - Visit the Other Sites on Lola's Blog Tour




I truly enjoy sharing my love of reading. This site was started to allow me to share some of my favorite books. I hope that if you look around and find that you agree with some of my selections (see my reviews), that you will return and hopefully find new authors. I plan on having periodic "Recommended Reads" lists that will include books I recommend, as well as suggestions by visitors to this site. I will also keep you up-to-date on different upcoming events, special offers, etc.

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Boy Meets Girl, They Fall in Love, and the two of them live Happily Ever After. This is the content for any book I believe is a true Romance Genre novel. The books that I recommend, or have reviews posted for will follow that format, unless I note otherwise. Granted we may know the outcome of a Romance Genre Novel, but it is the journey the characters take that is the reason we read these books. The Happily Ever After doesn't mean they're all vampires... Just means that the future is open to them, even if it is set 500 years in the past - we don't need to know their final chapter in life. At times I have have Recommend Reads by visitors to this site - I cannot guarantee that they meet my criteria for a Romance Genre Novel.